BIM DAY GVA 2025 in Geneva

On 06 Feb­ru­ary 2025, we will be tak­ing part at BIM DAY GVA in Geneva, togeth­er with our part­ner com­pany OneTools Pro­ject. This dynam­ic event brings togeth­er lead­ing com­pan­ies, innov­at­ive start-ups and recog­nised experts.

The BIM DAY GVA offers a unique plat­form for explor­ing the latest solu­tions in pion­eer­ing tech­no­logy areas such as:

  • BIM (Build­ing Inform­a­tion Modeling)
  • Digit­al twins
  • Arti­fi­cial intelligence
  • Robot­ics

Exhib­it­ors will present innov­at­ive tools and ser­vices designed to optim­ise every aspect of the build­ing life cycle — from plan­ning and con­struc­tion to oper­a­tion and maintenance.

We look for­ward to meet­ing you at the trade fair at our booth E2 and present­ing our latest devel­op­ments and solutions.

 #BIMDAYGVA #Geneva #Digit­al­isa­tion #BIM #Con­struc­tion #Innov­a­tion