Sales partner

Our loc­al part­ners are your dir­ect line to us and our products. Excel­lent ser­vice is guar­an­teed for you through short response times and short travel dis­tances as well as per­son­al contact.

Our part­ners advise you com­pet­ently and indi­vidu­ally. In addi­tion, we offer all products in dir­ect sales.






OneTools Project Luxembourg S.A R.L.

Härepesch, 5
7651 Heffin­gen

T: +352 20 60 04 63

OneTools Pro­jects Lux­em­bourg is happy to assist you with your vari­ous pro­jects. Among oth­er things, we help you to adapt your 2D and 3D plans in your CAD applic­a­tions, to integ­rate data into our CAFM sys­tem BuildingOne, and to cre­ate reports and evaluations.

In addi­tion, we also devel­op applic­a­tions spe­cific­ally adap­ted to indi­vidu­al cus­tom­ers. We have already real­ised quite a lot of things for our cus­tom­ers. We auto­mated vari­ous pro­cesses in AutoCAD/BricsCAD and Microsoft Office pro­grammes to a CRM applic­a­tion, and estab­lished a time record­ing programme.

Our employ­ees are trained in the use of vari­ous data­bases, CAD applic­a­tions and the com­mon Microsoft Office applications.

But we are also happy to sup­port you with oth­er IT questions.

Con­tact us and we will find out togeth­er how we can best sup­port you.


Contelos GmbH

Robert-Bosch-Straße 16
30989 Gehrden

T: +49 (5108) 92 94 — 0
F: +49 (5108) 92 94 — 79

Conte­los GmbH is pos­i­tion­ing itself as one of the lead­ing sys­tem integ­rat­ors in the north­ern Ger­man mar­ket. With 40 employ­ees in Gehrden (near Han­over) and an office in Bre­men, the Autodesk® product range from mech­an­ics to GIS products to archi­tec­ture with Auto­CAD® Archi­tec­ture® and Revit® is posi­tioned hol­ist­ic­ally in the mar­ket. Doc­u­ment man­age­ment and PLM integ­ra­tion con­sult­ing have been posi­tioned hol­ist­ic­ally in the mar­ket since Conte­los GmbH was foun­ded in 1992.
“Shap­ing the future is not just a motto for us, but a way of life. Often we have to take paths that require tech­nic­al and organ­isa­tion­al cour­age. For us, a pro­ject is only a suc­cess if our cli­ent is not only sat­is­fied with the solu­tion, but can also present itself innov­at­ively.“
With the Autodesk® products we have a tech­no­lo­gic­ally lead­ing product range, our employ­ees carry the cus­tom­er-ori­ented concept, and our cus­tom­ers trust in the innov­a­tion in their pro­jects car­ried out with us.
The fun­da­ment­al suc­cess of Conte­los GmbH is based on the hol­ist­ic approach of the solu­tion port­fo­lio. With the Autodesk® products, tech­no­lo­gic­ally lead­ing products are offered, which are imple­men­ted in a com­pre­hens­ive solu­tion and sup­port concept at the customer.


A‑NULL Bausoftware GmbH

Bloch-Bauer-Prom­en­ade 23
1100 Wien

T: +43 1 586 86 10 — 0
F: +43 1 586 86 10 — 22
Web: www.a‑

A‑NULL Bausoft­ware offers products and ser­vices for more than 1,000 cus­tom­ers, includ­ing archi­tects, mas­ter build­ers, con­struc­tion plan­ners, interi­or design­ers, car­penters, prop­erty man­agers and energy con­sult­ants. For more than 20 years, the com­pany has focused on long-term cooper­a­tion with its cus­tom­ers in a spir­it of part­ner­ship.
The pre­requis­ite for this is the team, which con­sists of exper­i­enced tech­ni­cians, pro­fes­sion­ally com­pet­ent sales­per­sons and cer­ti­fied train­ers.
With more than 200 courses a year on the vari­ous products, the com­pany is close to its cus­tom­ers and gives its cus­tom­ers the assur­ance that the A‑NULL team knows what it is talk­ing about when it comes to find­ing the right solu­tion for them.

Artaker Büroautomation GmbH

Heum­ühl­gasse 11
1040 Wien

T: +43 1 585 11 55 — 0
F: +43 1 585 11 55 — 271

Artaker CAD Sys­tems, with headquar­ters in Vienna and branches in Linz, Graz, Salzburg and Telfs, has been suc­cess­fully offer­ing CAD solu­tions for archi­tec­ture / con­struc­tion and mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing as an Autodesk sales part­ner for over 25 years. Some cus­tom­ers have been with Artaker since the draw­ing board was replaced by Auto­CAD. Today, a whole new way of work­ing is pos­sible with Build­ing Inform­a­tion Mod­el­ling (BIM). With BIM, inform­a­tion can be effi­ciently provided and exchanged, and a wide range of vari­ants and stages of the con­struc­tion pro­cess can be rep­res­en­ted.
This increases pro­ductiv­ity and improves quality.


Mensch und Maschine Systemhaus SA

Zürich­strasse 25
8185 Winkel

T: +41 (0)44 864 19 00
F: +41 (0)44 864 19 01


Route du Sim­plon 16
1094 Pau­dex

T: +41 (0)21 793 20 32
F: +41 (0)21 793 20 39