
The Room and Building Book

BuildingOne is the digit­al room and build­ing book with a dir­ect API con­nec­tion to a build­ing inform­a­tion mod­el (BIM) from ARCHICAD, Revit or Vectorworks.

Dur­ing devel­op­ment, the focus is on the require­ments of pro­ject developers, archi­tects, spe­cial­ist plan­ners, civil engin­eer­ing and the real estate and facil­ity man­age­ment sector.

BuildingOne is avail­able in vari­ous ver­sions and languages.



Bid­irec­tion­al inter­face to the build­ing inform­a­tion model

The build­ing inform­a­tion mod­els in Autodesk Revit, Graph­isoft ArchiCAD, Vec­tor­works and BuildingOne speak the same lan­guage. There is a bid­irec­tion­al con­nec­tion via the pro­gramme API, which enables data exchange in both dir­ec­tions. BuildingOne.Win fully exploits the poten­tial of BIM.

Tar­get Group & Facil­ity Man­age­ment Modules

BuildingOne is a com­pre­hens­ive basic applic­a­tion for infra­struc­tur­al, com­mer­cial and tech­nic­al facil­ity man­age­ment and is par­tic­u­larly suit­able for real estate own­ers, real estate ten­ants, real estate man­agers, profit centres in industry and com­merce, banks and insur­ance com­pan­ies, health care insti­tu­tions, pub­lic cor­por­a­tions, muni­cip­al­it­ies, etc. Their scope and pro­jects are as indi­vidu­al as the com­pan­ies them­selves. For the effi­cient man­age­ment and oper­a­tion of your real estate, you can option­ally add vari­ous mod­ules to the basic soft­ware on a pro­ject-spe­cif­ic basis.

Oth­er features:

  • Open data­base structure
  • Topo­graph­ic­al tree structure
  • Many inter­faces


BuildingOne.Web — The online room book is the web exten­sion of the clas­sic BuildingOne.Win.

Online room and build­ing book

In line with the cur­rent trend towards mobile CAFM, BuildingOne has been expan­ded into an inter­net-enabled web applic­a­tion. The WEB-based prop­erty and build­ing inform­a­tion sys­tem is based on the inform­a­tion man­age­ment of the Win­dows-based CAFM solu­tion. It offers the famil­i­ar graph­ic­al and alpha­nu­mer­ic views of the data stored in the inform­a­tion sys­tem. These can be eas­ily accessed and main­tained via the web inter­face. BuildingOne.Web enables an almost lim­it­less exchange of inform­a­tion through online access. All data stored in BuildingOne.Win can be accessed on all Inter­net-enabled devices at any time and from any­where. This makes it easy to dis­trib­ute FM inform­a­tion through­out the com­pany and across users.

ASP applic­a­tion

As an ASP applic­a­tion (Applic­a­tion Ser­vice Provid­ing), BuildingOne.Web can also be used as a multi-cli­ent cap­able sys­tem by FM ser­vice pro­viders as a ser­vice for prop­erty users who do not oper­ate an inde­pend­ent FM sys­tem. This means, for example, that a cli­ent can always find out about the cur­rent pro­ject status. The per­fect inform­a­tion man­age­ment system!

Tar­get group

The web-based prop­erty and build­ing man­age­ment soft­ware is a mod­ern and inex­pens­ive applic­a­tion for infra­struc­tur­al, com­mer­cial and tech­nic­al facil­ity man­age­ment. The soft­ware is par­tic­u­larly suit­able for FM-ASP pro­viders, prop­erty own­ers, prop­erty ten­ants, prop­erty man­agers, profit centres in industry and com­merce, banks and insur­ance com­pan­ies, health­care insti­tu­tions, pub­lic cor­por­a­tions, loc­al author­it­ies, etc.

Fur­ther features:

  • Facil­ity man­age­ment modules
  • Topo­graph­ic­al tree structure
  • Reports


    With the for Android and iOS, it is pos­sible to scan vari­ous bar­codes, e.g. from equip­ment such as print­ers or oth­er tech­nic­al devices, with a tab­let or smart­phone and imme­di­ately access and update all asso­ci­ated data avail­able in the BuildingOne data­base (e.g. invoices, war­ranty peri­ods, dimen­sions, tech­nic­al data, etc.).

    Wheth­er in the office, on the con­struc­tion site or at your contractor’s premises, BuildingOne.App helps every­one involved in a pro­ject to com­mu­nic­ate bet­ter with each oth­er. Every­one involved has access to the cur­rent plan­ning status any­time and anywhere.








    • BuildingOne.Windows
      • Microsoft Win­dows (x86 oder x64)
      • .NET Frame­work 4.7
    • BuildingOne.Web
      • Microsoft Win­dows Serv­er (x86 oder x64)
      • .NET Frame­work 4.7
    • BuildingOne.App
      • Android 10, 11, 12, 13
      • iOS 12, 13, 14, 15

    Schnittstellen BuildingOne.Windows:

    • Bid­irek­tionale CAD Schnitt­s­tel­len (ARCHICAD, Revit, Vectorworks)
    • DBD Kos­tenele­mente XML und STLB und STLB-Bau XML
    • offene SQL Anbindung
    • OLE DB
    • GAEB
    • XML
    • PDF
    • MS Office z.B. XLS, CSV, DOC, RTF

    Schnittstellen BuildingOne.Web:

    • BuildingOne.Win
    • offene SQL Anbindung
    • XML
    • MS Office z.B. XLS, Doc, CSV, RTF
    • PDF


    • MS SQL Com­pact Edi­tion (in BuildingOne integriert)
    • MS SQL Server
    • MySQL
    • Oracle


    • Für Online-Lizen­zier­ung: Inter­net­zugang und E‑Mail-Adresse erforderlich
    • Um uner­wün­schte Kom­pat­ib­il­ität­s­prob­leme zu ver­meiden muss das Betriebssys­tem auf dem aktuel­len Stand (Updates und Ser­vice Packs) sein.



    The down­load area for the soft­ware is reserved for registered and logged-in users.

    Please click on “Login” in the menu above to log in or register.