
We are here for you. Sup­port and ser­vice are very import­ant to us.
Our ser­vice offer includes tele­phone, e‑mail and live sup­port, as well as extens­ive train­ing offers and sup­port and ser­vice con­tracts spe­cially tailored to you. Our news­let­ter informs you reg­u­larly about cur­rent top­ics con­cern­ing our products.


Cus­tom­ers without ser­vice contract

+49 (900) 1000912* (1,99 €/min. from the Ger­man Telekom land­line net­work — prices for mobile sub­scribers may vary)

Cus­tom­ers with ser­vice contract

+49 (6131) 62775 — fol­lowed by

15 – Lazy­Jack / Clas­sic
16 – BuildingOne
17 – BuildingOne CAFM


Through Team­View­er, we can offer you live sup­port, advice and remote main­ten­ance.
A soft­ware install­a­tion on the customer’s side is not neces­sary, you just run a small pro­gram and off you go.

Monday to Fri­day in the time
9.00 — 12.00 am
2.00 — 5.00 pm


As an altern­at­ive to live sup­port, we offer all cus­tom­ers the pos­sib­il­ity of con­tact­ing our sup­port team dir­ectly via e‑mail.

Tracking System

The track­ing sys­tem is used for qual­ity assur­ance of all OneTools solu­tions. In this online sys­tem, soft­ware bugs, errors, improve­ments and requests can be repor­ted and tracked for all products. The sys­tem is used for dir­ect com­mu­nic­a­tion between the user and the developers.